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3.20.2025 Second Alert

The Democrats have now scheduled hearings and work sessions for the rest of their anti-gun bills.

It is not an overstatement to say that these bills will essentially end what may have been left of the Second Amendment.

Because of the sheer volume of their demented attacks, we cannot summarize or dissect all the bills, but most of them will be heard on the same day and you can see all the bad news here:

This is the schedule for the Senate Judiciary Committee for April 7th. On that day 4 vicious anti-gun bills are up for hearings and work sessions.

SB 429, SB 696, SB 697, and SB 698.

Links to the bills themselves and links to testify are all in the link posted above.

SB 243 is scheduled for March 27th. The link for that bill is here:

Please note, as of the time this alert was written, that bill is still a “place holder” which will be “gut and stuffed” with language the anti-gun extremists already have but has not been made public.  Our best guess at this time is it will be a “wish list” from the State Police of new restrictions and complications to further impede background checks.  But, as we learned from today’s hearing, the Democrats will probably not allow you to see what the real language will be until the very last minute.

Unlike the hateful bills we have seen so far, these are SENATE bills, not HOUSE bills.  That means that if they are going to be stopped, it will be up to the SENATE Republicans.  The Senate has some members who have made no secret that they will never walk out and protect you because they love their titles too much.  Senator David Brock Smith, for example, always stays on the floor to help the Democrats.  But if you look at what these bills do, you will see things are absolutely critical.

The Senate Republican Leader is Dan Bonham.  Bonham is already prohibited from running for his seat again. The Democrats (and his own former leader) have screwed him as much as they can. They can do nothing more to him.

PLEASE contact Bonham and tell him that what the Democrats are doing is evil, hateful, and insane. The Republicans MUST stand up to this.  The Democrats have been using the Republicans for doormats and the Republicans keep going along with it.  But these are YOUR rights at stake.

We know we have kept you busy contacting Drazan in the House, but we must also let the Senate know that if they allow these bills to move forward, voting “no” will be meaningless posturing.

Please email and call Dan Bonham and insist the Senate Republicans stop the Democrats hateful attacks on you and your family.

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Gun Stores On The Chopping Block.

Court Says Magazines Can Be Banned.



Today the House Judiciary Committee heard HB 3076. 

The bill itself is a nothing burger, but the gut and stuff amendment will close most gun businesses.

The language of this amendment was made available to anti-gun hacks and anti-gun media months ago but only made available to the public late yesterday.

You do not have to read it all to see it creates restrictions so onerous that few if any businesses can survive its implementation. And of course, that was always the point.

All the reasoned arguments made against it mean nothing since its proponent’s only goal is to end gun sales and ownership in Oregon. You cannot reason with these people. Period.

Republicans today sent out a press release decrying the passage of a bill that pays people to strike. They complained that it was bad for businesses.  HB 3076 is not “bad for business”. It is a death knell for many.  We know the Democrats are not the least bit concerned about families losing their businesses or employees losing their jobs. That is just an additional benefit for Democrats. The question is, once again, will the Republicans continue to “fight” for us with strongly worded letters and bloviating press releases or will they step up to protect the people who elected them? Are their jobs more important than the countless Oregonians who will become unemployed under 3076?

Please tell Christine Drazan to stop being part of this insanity.

Just to add to the madness, today the 9th Circuit declared that bans on magazines are perfectly ok.

The reasoning in their decision is, on its face, absurd.  But their decision is no surprise. They were just an unavoidable speed bump on the way to the Supreme Court, who we are hoping will stop wasting time and respond to the many lower courts who are openly defying their rulings.

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As if crushing gun dealers with HB 3075 was not enough, now the legislature is back with HB 3076.  We told you this place holder was going to be used to restrict and harass dealers.

The amendment is now available and here it is.

Oregon Democrats are drunk out of their minds with unchecked power.  The goal is to punish anyone who still believes in the Second Amendment and to drive gun dealers out of business.

The Republicans have told us for decades they are “pro-business.”  Are they going to permit this vindictive insanity to prevail?

The hearing on this bill is tomorrow, March 20th at 3pm.  All info on the bill and the amendment along with links to register to testify or upload testimony can be found here:

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House Republican Leader Christine Drazan

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1400.   503.986-1451

Email the House Republican Leader:



Yesterday, Oregon’s ban on gun sales (HB 3075) moved forward with a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.

The next step in the legislature’s efforts to ban firearms will be a “work session” where the proposed amendment will be adopted and the bill will be voted onto the House Floor for certain passage. (That has not been scheduled as of the time this alert went out but it will be soon.)

The obvious goal is to end the sales of firearms in Oregon, or at very least make it so difficult and expensive that only the wealthiest and best connected Oregonians can even consider legally acquiring a firearm.  Clearly no rational person believes that a “right” can be subject to these kinds of restrictions.

(Information on other bills will be addressed later in this alert but first we must address next steps of HB 3075.)

Our lawyers have informed us that if 3075 is enacted, both our state and federal lawsuits become moot. That means there will be no appeals or opportunities to present our case in Oregon’s Supreme Court or in the Ninth Circuit.  It means that the hundreds of thousands of dollars gun rights supporters have spent on legal fights will be meaningless and we will be subjected to hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees we will have to pay the state to crush your rights.

HB 3075 will immediately criminalize the possession of most magazines under most circumstances.

It creates exorbitant fees for the privilege  of asking for permission of the state to ask permission to buy a gun. (The permit required by HB 3075 is NOT permission to buy a gun.)

The bill doubles the time the “permit agent” has to issue or deny a “permit” to 60 days. But that time frame only begins when the “permit agent” “accepts the application” and there is NO requirement that there be any limits on how long the “permit agent” can take to accept the application.

In many counties sheriffs have refused to accept applications for concealed handgun licenses sometimes for months. During covid many refused to accept them at all.

The bill requires classes that contain requirements that are so poorly defined that no one really knows who qualifies to teach the classes placing instructors at great legal risk, and requires live fire that is rarely available and will only be available to a few and at great cost.

Obviously, placing these kinds of obstacles in the way of purchase will destroy many, if not most, gun dealers leaving only the big box corporate giants who can get by on selling sleeping bags and camp soap.

Needless to say the employees of those businesses will be out of work.

The battle now becomes quite simple. HB 3075 can only pass with Republican support. Period, end of story. And not one of them has to vote for it.  All they have to do is show up and provide the quorum the Democrats need to ram this through.

Here is the plain reality. In Oregon right now, Republican Legislators have NO power to do ANYTHING. They can issue press releases and crow about how they are “fighting” for you.  But it’s all nonsense. They don’t have to votes to pass anything, they don’t have the votes to stop anything and they can’t even insist that “informational hearings” be fair instead of the propaganda side shows they are.

The Republicans have one tool to protect this state from the coming madness. Refusing to participate in this charade. That’s it.  If the Republicans are on the floor for this bill or any bill that ends freedom in this state, they will have passed the bill. 

Oregon Republicans who participate will say they have to be there or they will be prevented from running again. But the fact is that only happens if they don’t demand that absences be excused or they won’t come back.  And in reality, if they are more concerned with their political futures than your rights, we don’t need them.   They have no power. They can do nothing good for this state. They can only benefit themselves by being part of this lunacy.

If they are on the floor when this bill is voted for, they will have sent a message to Oregon gun owners that their careers are more important than your rights, your freedom, and your property. It’s that simple.

The bill will soon move to the House Floor. That means that the next line of defense will be the House Republicans, led by Christine Drazan.

Drazan has refused to stand up for your rights in the past and, in fact, has voted over and over to advance the Democrat’s agenda.  The future of this bill is now solidly in her hands. 

No matter what happens in any litigation (should it be allowed to take place) an appeal would buy some time. It’s possible the higher courts might take some positive action. It’s possible that the Trump Administration might intervene in some way.  But even if none of that happens at least gun owners and gun stores get some breathing room to prepare for the worst.  Please contact Drazan and tell her in no uncertain terms that she cannot allow this bill to move forward.

House Republican Leader Christine Drazan

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1400 or 503-986-1451
Email the House Republican Leader:

Drazan’s Staff.

Other news

Today at 1pm there is a work session for James Manning’s racist SB 947.  The bill now has an amendment which makes it no less stupid and offensive but now appears to be written in English. Which, of course, demonstrates that Manning did not write it.

On Thursday the House Judiciary Committee will hear HB 3076 at 3pm.  As of the time of this alert they had not posted the amendments that are sure to be offered. Currently this bill is a “placeholder” with meaningless language. When amended it will be a collection of new restrictions on gun dealers, or the few who can survive if 3075 passes.  You can use the above link to keep track of that bill.

Please call or email Drazan now.

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HB 3075, the bill to implement the gun bans in Mz 114 has been scheduled for a hearing on March 17.

The first notice we received has this scheduled for 3 o’clock in the morning but we assume that is the typical legislative incompetence and the hearing will be at 3pm.

This is the link to see the bill, register to testify, and upload written testimony.

We assume this bill will be rammed through to get the restrictions in 114 in place before the Oregon Supreme Court has a chance to rule on it.

This is the big one folks.   HB 3075 will require a class you cannot get, to ask for permit that will cost a lot of money and take months to receive even if you could get the class, and just gives you the opportunity to start the entire process over again when you get to the gun store.

HB 3075 will also make you a criminal for possessing ammo mags over 10 rounds unless you can prove you got them before Dec.2022, which is of course, impossible. And even then, you cannot leave your house with them.

The Democrats are not playing games.  Show up for the hearing (where the deck will be stacked) register to testify (even though they will try to silence you, and upload testimony in opposition.

Once again, here is the link to do all those things.  Your rights are about to be eliminated.  Take action.

(At today’s “informational” hearing which was just a collection of anti-gun hacks, Republican legislators were told they could not ask questions.)


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The Facts Don’t Matter

The Facts Don’t Matter


As you no doubt know, the Oregon Appeals Court has ruled Mz 114 “constitutional.”

Given that the Appeals Court is the home of Judge Jim Egan, this is no surprise.

What is a bit of a surprise is the inane and incoherent “reasoning” that went into the decision.

(One of the most interesting quotes in the decision was “The [facial] constitutionality of a law  as enacted is rarely if ever dependent on facts…”)

There is too much babble to dissect it point by point, but a few things stand out.

The court insists that the Oregon Constitution’s “right to bear arms” is only for “self defense”, when it quite clearly says the opposite.

The court simultaneously says that standard capacity magazines are “constitutionally protected arms” but then says it’s constitutional to ban them.

The court did not address the required “classes” needed to get a “permit to purchase” which is not a “permit to purchase” but just a permit to apply to purchase a firearm. As you know, the classes do not exist and are unlikely to in the future.

While the measure requires an FBI background check, the court has said if the FBI doesn’t do one it does not matter.

We have attached the court’s decision if you choose to lower your IQ trying to make sense of it. For now, understand that this rule does NOT take effect immediately.  The court has remanded it back to the lower court so they can reverse their rational ruling and replace it with the gibberish the Appeals Court has dredged out of the bowels of left wing double talk and we have been reliably informed that it will be appealed to Oregon’s Supreme Court, so it may not take effect pending that appeal.

However, keep in mind that HB 3075, which enacts the same restrictions is due to receive action in the Oregon Legislature soon, and that will no doubt take effect as quickly as the legislature can ram it through.

In short, it appears that there is a very real possibility that Oregon will shortly face an end to the legal transfer of firearms and the potential arrest of anyone in possession of a standard capacity magazine.

Act accordingly.

Appeals Court Decision:


Donations to help us stand in the way of this lunacy can be made here:


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Misinformation Mill Is Cranking Up

Propaganda Mill Is Cranking Up


The House and Senate Judiciary Committees have scheduled a joint session on anti-2nd Amendment propaganda for March 13th at 3pm.

As of right now they have posted it as an “informational” hearing with “invited testimony only.”

That means that only their handpicked, anti-gun shills will be allowed to speak.

As you can see by the schedule, the Legislature is in full disinformation mode.

Rest assured this is just the warm up to the efforts to end the legal ownership of firearms in Oregon.

One need only look at HB 3075, which is Mz 114 on performance enhancing drugs, to understand what is coming down the pike.  Look for that bill to rear its ugly little head soon.

Much like Manning’s militia gibberish and Evan’s hateful attack on eastern Oregon, these bill are all about stripping Oregonians of their rights, freedom, and property.

At the time of this alert, the legislature had not posted any meeting materials and it’s likely that things are going to change by the time the “hearing” happens.  Keep this link handy.  As we get closer to the date of this sham, a symbol of a video camera will appear next to the date of the hearing (3.13.2025) which will be a link to watch the propaganda mill in process.

The anti-gun storm is coming. The Democrats have the votes to do anything they want. The governor has promised to sign every anti-gun bill that comes her way and the media is acting like the public relations firm for the left.  There is only one thing that can stop this assault…  Republicans standing up. Will they? If they don’t there will never be another reason to vote for them.

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Is There A Light At The End Of That Tunnel?

Is There A Light At The End Of That Tunnel?



Today was the deadline for the introduction of bills in the Oregon Legislature.

Among the new ones was HB 3742.

This bill would allow members of the legislature and their staffers to carry firearms in the Capitol.

As you know, the Oregon Legislature banned Oregonians with concealed handgun licenses from being on Capitol property armed, in spite of the fact that there had never been a single incident of a CHL holder causing a problem there. Now some legislators want to carve out an exception for themselves and their staffs.

We adamantly oppose this attempt to, once again, elevate the members of the legislature over the people they work for.  It’s an outrageous insult to the citizens of this state that they will continue to be denied their rights while dangerous extremists like Evans and Manning and their far left staffers are allowed to be armed.

All Democrat legislators (and some Republicans) have demonstrated hateful contempt for Oregon’s gun owners and this bill would reward them.

Oddly, among the Republican sponsors, the bill has a Democrat co-sponsor, Farrah Chaichi.

Chaichi is a member of the Communist Democrat Socialists of America and a regular supporter of bills to attack your gun rights.  Like Evans and Manning, she is one of the last people we want carrying a gun. Especially in a place where you cannot.

Now onto some good news. And there is plenty.

While the Democrats in Oregon continue their histrionic melt down over Trump’s exposing of the deep state grift,* changes being made by the Trump Administration are giving gun owners the best chance they have had for reform in generations.

The successful appointment of Kash Patel to run the FBI was only a down payment on the unprecedented changes coming to Federal law enforcement, organizations that have been turned into criminal operations by previous administrations.

When Patel was also chosen to oversee the ATF, one of the most dangerous and unaccountable collection of thugs in US history, gun owners were finally able to see a light at the end of the gun ban tunnel.  But the news got even better when we learned that Dan Bongino would become the Deputy Director of the FBI.

Predictably, deep state FBI staffers were horrified. And that is, to say the least, heart warming.

Of course, Oregon’s Second Amendment hating Attorney General has vowed to stand in the way of much needed reforms, but Dan Rayfield is about to find out that grandstanding blowhards are no match for what is coming from Washington.

While the Oregon Legislature will continue to use every resource to block progress, hijack your tax dollars, and eliminate your freedom, there is now reason to be hopeful that their corruption and grifting cannot go on forever.

(It may even be time to take advantage of deals like this one.)

Make no mistake, the sheer magnitude of the changes taking place in this country are unlike anything we have ever seen. This will not be easy, the left will ratchet up the lawfare and the street violence, the new administration will make mistakes, and the road ahead will be rocky.  But for the first time in a long time there is hope for positive reforms.

There are plenty of anti-gun bills waiting to be heard and enacted in Oregon.  We expect no significant opposition  from the Republican establishment. We will need to be prepared to watch and resist.

Stay tuned and we will keep you informed.

*(In an email dated Feb 24th, far left House Rep Paul Evans once again wrote of his outrage that the new administration is ferreting out billions in waste.  He says that Trump’s exposing of the outrageous theft of your tax dollars is harming the “morale” of the legislature. He then goes on to call for more spending for the kinds of programs that squander millions while Oregon’s roads continue to fall apart, its homeless population explodes, an its education system hits rock bottom. )




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Today the Senate Committee On Veterans, Emergency Management, Federal and World Affairs heard SB 947.

This is the bizarre “militia” bill we warned you about here.

This bill is the work of Senator James Manning, who just happens to be the chair of the committee. Little else explains why this absurd waste of taxpayer money was given a hearing.

The bill seeks to turn the citizen militia into something that does not exist, the “national guard.”  No, not the “National Guard” which is a real thing, the “national guard” which is a figment of Manning’s imagination.

Manning appears to be in competition with Paul Evans for who can write the dumbest, most pointless bill and spend the most taxpayer money to stroke their own egos. 

Both Evans and Manning seem to be incapable of opening their mouths without touting their military service or supposed in-depth knowledge of firearms.  Manning’s military background is largely speculation.  Evans’ is questionable at best. It appears his principle accomplishment was the production of porn.

But what’s most interesting is what their bills have in common.

Both have exactly no support from the public.  The submitted testimony on Evans’ gun control bill was 100% against it. The only person who testified in favor of it was…Evans.  Manning’s “militia” bill managed to match that. Not one person submitted testimony in favor of it.  Three people testified against it. No one testified for it.

As soon as the opponents came to the table to testify against the bill, one of two Republicans on the Committee, David Brock Smith, headed for the door, leaving Senator Kim Thatcher to question the meaning of the bill.

We strongly encourage everyone to watch the recorded video of the hearing.  Manning’s explanation of his bill was utterly and completely incomprehensible.

Not a single sentence came close to making sense.  He made Kamala Harris sound like Shakespeare. 

There was not one coherent thought in anything he said.  He did, however, manage to turn it into a racial issue, which he does with everything.  The two other Democrats on the committee , Meek and Woods, offered their support and we defy you to make sense out of anything they said either.

In the race to the bottom Evans and Manning are in a dead heat. But as twisted as Evans is, at least when he finishes a sentence you have some idea what he meant.  Listening to Manning will leave you baffled and terrified that someone so stunningly stupid can be writing laws and controlling committees.  You will literally feel your IQ dropping while he rambles on aimlessly.

Manning is another example of the damage done when people get jobs they are not equipped for except by checking certain DEI boxes.

Manning did say the bill was good, militias wreak havoc, and he intended to make sure the bill moves forward.  (Well we think that’s what he said.) So we will continue to track this idiocy.

It’s his bill and his committee. Unfortunately it’s your money and your rights being flushed.



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Paul Evans Vs Reality

Paul Evans Vs Reality


Today the Oregon House Judiciary Committee  heard Paul Evans’ bill HB 2774. Submitted testimony ran 100% in opposition.

Evans’ justification for this bill was an incident that he claimed happened 8 years ago, for which he provided exactly no documentation. The story he told involved a man who Evans said shot an injured dog that was being held by the man’s wife.

Evan’s once again treated us to a lengthy history of how competent HE is with firearms, and how many he owns. And then, almost by accident, mentioned that during a divorce proceeding for the dog shooter, the judge found the man had done nothing wrong. Could it be that the judge knew all the parts Evans left out?

We  warned you about  HB 2774 here.

As if to prove us right when we told you not to trust far left crazies like Paul Evans, today he went over the deep end.

In an email blast delivered today (but unavailable online at the time of this alert) Evans expresses outrage at the results of the Trump Administration’s revealing of BILLIONS of your dollars being stolen and wasted by “your” government.

But Evans wasn’t outraged at the theft. No, Evans was outraged that it has been reported.  Grifters gonna grift. 

In his screed, Evans sends (ironically) dog whistles to the left with veiled threats of coming violence. He likens the Democrat’s seeing their criminal gravy train being derailed to the American Revolution.

“The War of Rebellion became inevitable when regional frustrations escalated into moral conflicts. Whenever challenges are defined through emotions rather than reason, there is a risk of division; the kind of division that cannot reconcile because of conviction and self-identity. Whenever there are participants knowingly working to lessen our trust in institutions, we are on the path toward greater disharmony.”

Put aside the fact that a serious distrust in crooked and controlled institutions is common sense, astonishingly he rails against the very situation Oregonians find themselves in and of which he is a major contributor:

We are entering uncharted territory; never in recent history has one party had such domination over all three branches of the U.S. Government and the surrounding ecosystem of ideological and political interests. Thankfully, we have not yet reached a point of no return.”

Oregon is totally controlled by far left Democrats. Every House, every branch, every executive office.  But while ignoring this irony Evans follows that with this demented comment:

Thankfully, we have not yet reached a point of no return. We are not close to openly choosing the power of the bullet over the ballot.”

Of course, this is absurd. Evan’s side long ago chose the bullet… and the firebomb. That’s why Portland’s Federal Courthouse is a steel clad fortress.  That’s why Michigan police stations were burned to the ground.  That’s why entire sections of Seattle were taken over by murderers and rapists. We are not “close” to choosing bullets. We are well past that point. And it’s Evan’s people who made the choice.

Evans bizarrely states:

“History teaches us that now, before open violence erupts, is the best opportunity to prevent a downward, uncontrollable spiral into chaos and worse. Here in Oregon, we are still able to peacefully gather and respectfully debate issues. Even though the national political scene appears dark, the moral power of the nation rests within the hearts of all Americans, not in party identities.”

It’s hard to imagine how delusional a person can be to pretend the violence has not already erupted and that leaders on the left are not actively promoting it. It’s creepy that Evans thinks that revelation of the truth makes the national political scene “appear dark”.

Evans, and Democrats coast to coast, are horrified that the truth is finally getting the exposure it deserves. That people everywhere now know how badly they have been ripped off by those in power. That the same disgraceful theft goes on in Oregon every single day.

But Evan’s delusions do not end there.  With a complete refusal to embrace reality Evans actually says the following:

“State governments, not the U.S. Congress, are the instruments for peace and progress. The modern political reality is that our nation has outgrown the ability of the federal government to discern prescribed, targeted solutions for our challenges. State governments working with our local government partners are far more able to find resolution to increasingly complex problems. Although it may not be said aloud, people have little real voice in Washington, D.C., but they can loudly roar at the state and local governance levels.”

The “state government” in Oregon has given us out-of-control drug addiction, streets awash in mentally ill homeless, skyrocketing violent crime, unsustainable housing costs and a bottom-of-the-barrel eduction system, all thanks to the policies of people like Evans. It has given us costly legislation like HB 2774 which has no public support yet still gets hearings.  (But of course the vocal support of “Republican” Kevin Mannix who sits on the committee.)

Like Democrats nationwide, Oregon’s Democrats are terrified that their grifts are being exposed and their payoffs to their friends are being revealed.  Like cornered badgers they are going to lash out at anything that looks like real progress towards fiscal sanity.  Get ready folks, it’s going to get uglier.

On another note, also heard was Evan’s bill HB 2710 which would allow victims of childhood abduction to be included in Oregon’s Address Confidentiality Program. This program shields the addresses of people who are in physical danger. It’s important to note that because  participation in this program means the person has no government issued ID with an actual home address, they are prohibited from purchasing firearms. This is an issue we have been attempting to address for years, and once again Senator Kim Thatcher has a bill to do just that. We are betting it never sees the light of day.

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The House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing for Paul Evans’ bill HB 2774.

The hearing is scheduled for 3pm on Feb 17 in Hearing Room F.

Democrat Evans, of course, has a long history of anti-gun extremism so anything his name is attached to is likely to be trouble.

The summary of the bill says : Directs the court to prohibit unsupervised parenting time with a parent who committed abuse if the abuse involved certain acts with a firearm.

Given the Democrat’s policies it’s hard to believe they have the slightest interest in protecting children from abuse, but what is most concerning is what this bill might become.

It could easily transform into a vehicle for amendments that will serve no purpose except promoting Evan’s dream of ending civilian firearms ownership.

That committee has exactly no reliable pro gun Republicans on it. Republican Kevin Mannix is a long time promoter of anti-gun legislation and Republican Kim Wallan endorses leftist extremists, so do not expect any representation from legislators on that committee.

We believe the Oregon Democrats will use any tool, tell any lie, and manipulate any process to impose their far left views on the people of the state. And Evans is among the least trustworthy of the leftists who control the legislature.

We will be watching this bill carefully for any attempts to use it against all gun owners. 

You can see all the information about this bill including schedules and links to submit testimony here:

Unlike anti-gun groups that have received millions of taxpayer money from Democrat administrations, OFF is entirely dependent on the voluntary contributions of gun owners like you.

Please consider whatever donation you can to keep us fighting for your rights. You can make a secure donation online here:

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Recently we warned you about the latest stupidity from James Manning and Floyd Prozanski joined by Senators Meek and Woods.

This bizarre bill replaces the word “militia” in Oregon law with “national guard.”  That’s not “National Guard” that’s “national guard” lower case n and g.

A quick read of the  bill, SB 947, will show it to be a clumsy and poorly crafted effort to reinvent the meaning of the word “militia” with the single purpose of telling the people of Oregon that they are not part of what we all know they are part of and to further remind us that all power is vested in the military as controlled by Tina Kotek and the people are merely subjects. Much of the bill makes no sense, which we have come to expect from anything Manning and Prozanski do.

This is, of course, another dangerous step towards the complete destruction of the Constitution, but it’s so much more.

Oregon’s roads are crumbling. Its students cannot read or write. Its streets are awash in homeless drug addicts dying in their own waste. Its citizens are struggling to afford basic necessities. And while the legislature pretends that these issues are priorities, it wastes thousands upon thousands of dollars of your money to draft and move stupid bills like this to feed the insatiable egos of clowns like Manning and Prozanski.

There are thousands of bills currently in the legislature and even the people who requested them have admitted that few will ever see the light of day.  They serve one purpose, to give the grifters in Salem something to brag about in their newsletters even though most are totally meaningless.

SB 947 is another step towards the goal of crushing individual liberty and responsibility  and a massive waste of money in a state that frees dangerous criminals because it has no public defenders.     UPDATEOr possibly just more corruption.

Our governor is more interested in feathering the nest of her unqualified mate than fixing the problems of the state.  The legislature is more interested in squandering your money on this kind of nonsense than addressing very real issues. While the new federal administration is revealing the insane flushing of billions down the toilet nationally, plenty of that is going on right here in Oregon.

SB 947 is scheduled for a public hearing on  Feb 18th   Feb 20th (rescheduled due to weather) at 1pm in hearing room B in the Capitol in Senate Committee On Veterans, Emergency Management, Federal and World Affairs (Remember that law abiding gun owners are no longer allowed in the Capitol while lawfully armed.)

Please take a moment to submit testimony against this idiotic waste of time and money and remind the legislature what we sent them there to do.

You can submit written testimony and sign up to testify remotely or in person here:

The links to submit testimony or register to testify are at the top of that page.

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Not Very Bright Legislators Reveal The Truth

Far Left Freedom Haters Speak The Truth. 

By Accident Of Course.


It was not long after James Manning was appointed to the Senate in 2016 that it became painfully clear that whatever the qualifications for the office were, a stellar intellect was not among them.

In fact, in the years that Oregonians have been subjected to his buffoonish oratories and often incomprehensible floor speeches it has become increasingly undeniable that Manning’s only goals are self aggrandizement and the promotion of racial division.

Once again Manning is promoting a “reparations” bill to force people who never owned slaves to turn over their money to people who never were slaves.

Among the crimes he hopes to extort innocent people for are:

Racial terror;
Political disenfranchisement;
Racism related to the environment and infrastructure;

Control over creative cultural and intellectual life;

And our favorite, “Pathologizing the Black family”

Joining in this exercise in race baiting are Travis Nelson, Lew Fredrick, Shannon Isador and Andrea Valderrama
( ella/she/her ).

Apparently none of these appointed or elected members of the ruling class see the irony in demanding to be paid off for the demeaning hardship of being in charge of the state.  Humor has never been a strong point of the left.

But at last, Manning, whose “biography” we have so often been reminded of but have yet to see substantiated, has done us all a favor.

For a long time the extremist anti-gun left (Manning is a proud, if not real bright, charter member) have been making the claim that the Second Amendment, which they all despise, only protects the military.

We’ll put aside for a moment the absurdity of believing that the founders of our country, who just fought and won a war with a far more powerful and better equipped empire, thought it was necessary to put in writing that the army is allowed to have weapons. We will leave the clownish left to wallow in that stupidity.

But this has been their position.  For us rational folk, the term “militia” has always been correctly understood to refer to the “people.”  Our founders fear of standing armies is not a secret to anyone with the most tenuous grasp on history.

And now, Manning has finally admitted we are right and the shrill collectivists are wrong. Manning has joined fellow Marxists Meek, Woods and of course Prozanski to introduce SB 947.

SB 947 changes references to the “militia” in Oregon law to…”national guard.” Thereby acknowledging what literate people knew all along but could never quite be grasped by the less intellectually gifted who get elected and run things in Oregon.

Oregon law defines the “unorganized militia” as … all able-bodied residents of the state between the ages of 18 and 45 who are not serving in any force of the organized militia or who are not on the state retired list and who are or who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States; subject, however, to such exemptions from military duty as are created by the laws of the United States.”

The ‘militia” are the people. And that terrifies the left. And they will do all they can to crush it.

(Manning and his mentally challenged fellow traveler’s bill actually refers to the “unorganized national guard”. Which given the leadership of Oregon might not be that far off.)

Manning and the other petty tyrants wrap themselves in victimhood while feeding at the public trough and making idiotic and vindictive rules for the people who are trapped in the state. And it’s obvious that this bill is one more attempt to remind Oregonians that they are subjects and not citizens. But at least these clowns admit, however inadvertently, what some words really mean.

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Play By The Rules, Go To Prison



Oregon’s far left legislature is now in full swing, as are their efforts to crush what’s left of the state.

Now that the White House is no longer under the control of psychopaths, Oregon’s Democrats are in full panic mode and you can rest assured they will be behaving like cornered, rabid, raccoons.

The Democrats have a long list of plans to destroy anything that does not fit into their vision of a compliant, urban, gulag. And while anyone who lives or works in rural Oregon has a large target on their backs, we’ll concentrate on gun owners.

If you’re paying attention to current legislation you know the Democrats are planning to use their majority to further erode, if not eliminate, firearm’s sales and ownership in Oregon. Some of the bills they will be using seem innocuous enough, calling for different “studies” from various state agencies.  These bills are “placeholders” which will be “gut and stuffed” later with anti-gun language.

One bill that caught our attention might seem to be of little interest to non criminal Oregon gun owners. HB 3443.

The bill “Provides that each firearm possessed by a person committing the crime of felon in possession of a firearm constitutes a separately punishable offense.”

At first glance you may wonder why that should concern you. Here’s why:

For some time now the Oregon State Police have been enforcing a policy that is almost certainly illegal.  They have been refusing to recognize court ordered right’s restorations for people whose convictions have been expunged, set aside, or otherwise rendered removed by the courts. 

For years it has been understood that these various court orders restored a person’s rights to purchase and own firearms and they were free to lawfully claim they were not convicted felons. And for years, the State Police, obeying the obvious intentions of these right’s restoration processes, approved firearm’s purchases for those people.

Then one day, with no warning or explanation, the OSP Firearms Instant Check Unit invented a new interpretation of the law and claimed that people with these right’s restorations were, in fact, convicted felons and could not purchase firearms.

We have received conflicting opinions about how this would affect persons whose firearm’s purchases had been approved in the past, but we think it’s safe to say that in a state controlled by radical leftists and little opposition from the right, those people are in serious danger.

We hear from people regularly who are victims of this policy. When trying to get an explanation from the OSP they get silence, run arounds, or claims of ignorance.  But now it’s quite clear that the ruling party will attempt to replicate the vicious attacks of the Biden Justice Department on anyone they can. And almost certainly that means people who were approved for firearm’s purchases and ownership are now the targets of Kotek and her weaponized State Police.

We are quite confident that the OSP is operating outside the law. In fact, given that the records of many of these restorations are supposed to be “sealed” it’s deeply concerning that the civilian OSP Firearms Instant Check system employees even have access to them. What else do they have access to that they shouldn’t? Under the current highly unethical regime there is no way of knowing.

You should also know that the OSP has long list of changes they want to make in the law so they can delay or deny more firearms’s transfers. One of them is to make their almost certainly unlawful policy on right’s restoration denial legal.  Basically they want to rewrite the law as it has been written and understood for a long time, to mean that a court ordered removal of a felony conviction means nothing.  That people who dutifully went through a well known and well used process to regain their rights and status as law abiding Oregonians will find their good faith efforts to be meaningless. That people who played by the rules now face prison time.

Let’s not forget that these are the same people who want to legalize theft. It’s insidious, it’s disgraceful, and it’s coming.

There are other dangerous and misleading bills in the works, mostly the product of the usual leftist Kotek stooges, like Manning , Meek, and Prozanzki. 

If you are not a gun owner, these freedom destroying tyrants have plans for you too.  There will be no negotiating with them. There will be no bargaining in good faith.  Kotek proved that when House Leader Drazan foolishly made a “deal” with her.

The only possible response is unapologetic, unrelenting resistance.  The minority party has the means. The question is, when will they stop bleating about “bipartisanship” and “working across the aisle” and start working for you?

The game is on like never before.  The blitzkrieg of actions by the Trump administration have the ruling junta in total freak out mode.  The Republicans could be using the left’s disorder to their advantage.  (The Senate Republican Leader, Dan Bonham, has already lost his right to run again. He has nothing to lose by standing up.)

Oregon gun owners who have played by the rules have been screwed over and over and over. It’s time to demand that “our” people take a stand and stop acting like this is a softball game where the losers meet the winners for a beer after their defeat.

Our only resource to stay in this fight is you. The costs of taking on the state increase endlessly. We would be grateful for any financial support you can provide.  The people who are attacking your rights get paid by you whether you like it or not. We can only ask. Please consider donating to our efforts here:

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The Nightmare Ends


Today 4 years of disgraceful national criminal corruption came to an end.

Four years of graft, attacks on American patriots, weaponization of federal law enforcement, protection of foreign enemies, enrichment of corrupt oligarchs and silencing of dissent are ending.

The exiting administration is responsible for the bankrupting, imprisonment, and even deaths of countless good Americans.

The magnitude or their crimes can be measured by how many of the criminal participants were pardoned by the most corrupt President in American history.

The darkest days of America may well be behind us.

But while much of the country moved back towards sanity and common sense, Oregon and the rest of the west coast sank further into the lunacy of failed Marxist policies.

Aided by bags full of cash from drug dealers and an election system that registered thousands (that we know of) illegals, the Democrats increased their majority in the Legislature and have already promised to double down on their massively destructive agenda.

That agenda includes raising your taxes while promising to make Oregon more affordable, legalizing more crimes including theft, protecting criminals and doing all they can to make you less safe by crushing what’s left of your Second Amendment rights.

The Democrats have a long list of anti-gun bills in the works and more are coming.

The goal is to end the future sales of firearms in Oregon and restrict and punish gun owners who play by the rules.

Rest assured there will be no negotiating, no bargaining in good faith.  In spite of the shallow promises of “working together” the majority party plans to ram its agenda down the throats of Oregonians.  Having learned they can intimidate or buy off the Republicans they believe nothing stands in their way of creating the kind of dystopian nightmare that Los Angeles has become.

Make no mistake, the far left is in its death loop. The American people have finally tired of the abuse Democrat policies have heaped on them, but the left is not going quietly.  Governor Kotek and the Democrat regime are digging in their heels and planning to use every resource and millions in your money to impede efforts to end their lawless and destructive policies. 

Democrats have announced their plans to protect criminals who attack Oregonians and continue to spend millions in your money to implement gun restrictions already declared unconstitutional. With their complete control over the executive branch (aided by Republican legislators) the Democrats believe there is nothing to stop them. But there is.

The Republicans still have the ability to control the agenda.  While they pretend there is nothing they can do even while promising to “fight” if you’ll just “chip in,” the fact remains that nothing compels the Republicans to participate in this charade. They can leave whenever they want to. 

In past sessions the Republicans in the House refused to stand up for your rights by claiming that if they walked out there would be a ballot measure to punish walk outs.  And after staying behind and helping the Democrats pass more attacks on our rights, they got a ballot measure to punish walk outs.

Oddly, when that measure was on the ballot there was not a single argument against it in the voter’s guide. It was almost like they wanted it to pass. And in spite of the Republican “leadership’s” claim that voters don’t approve of walk outs, when the House DID walk out some years ago, every single Republican House Rep who walked out got re-elected.  And in the most recent election, two conservative Senators who walked out were replaced by their family members, proving that conservatives back people who stand up for them.

The reality is that legislators don’t lose their right to run for re-election by walking out. They lose it by having absences that the leadership will not excuse. When former Senate Leader Tim Knopp agreed to provide a quorum for the last failed session, he could have demanded that his Senator’s absences be excused.  But he refused and handed a massive victory to the far left at the expense of the most committed Senators in the Republican Caucus.

Now we expect the Republican leadership to claim they cannot walk out because of the threat of a change in the quorum rules. Well, it’s not a “threat” any more.

The Republicans can talk all they want about fighting, but the fact is as long as they continue to participate, Oregonians will continue to have the boot of the state on their throats.

Today was a great day for America. But make no mistake, the incoming administration, while a reason for hope, has a checkered record on gun rights.

From Trump’s ridiculous ban on bump stocks, to his comments about “taking the guns now, due process later”, to his Attorney General nominees dangerously mixed record on the Second Amendment, there are plenty of fights ahead for American gun owners.

In Oregon, the situation is far less positive.  With the Democrat promise of eliminating gun rights, all that we have is the willingness of Republican Legislators to stand up for us.

The current Sentate Republican Leader, Daniel Bonham, has walked out in the past. That is a good thing. But his peculiar willingness to buddy up to the man who ended his future in the Senate is disturbing.

He said he has teased both Wagner and Senate Majority Leader Kate Lieber, D-Beaverton, about how he wishes they weren’t so likable. “

Of course, the House Republican Leader, Christine Drazan, has regularly voted with the Democrats on some of their more absurd bills, lead the attack and removal of pro-gun House Rep Mike Nearman, and even supported a bill to protect one of Kotek’s staffers when she was arrested at an antifa riot. 

Drazan has proven over and over that she will capitulate and surrender when faced with a real battle. This is not good news but the simple reality is these two people have the ability to block the Democrat’s scorched earth policies of obstruction, corruption, and destruction.

Please take a moment to remind them that they were not elected to protect the Democrats.

Senator Dan Bonham

Representative Christine Drazan