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Gun Lockup Ballot Title Issued


Oregon’s Attorney General has released a “certified ballot title” for IP 44, the mandatory lock up ballot measure.

While this measure has received less attention than IP43, it is still an extraordinarily broad and dangerous measure. Gun owners would be strictly liable for injuries caused by someone who stole their firearm for five years after the theft if the gun was not locked with a cheap, easily defeated cable or trigger lock. The petitioners seem to actually believe that a thief  who could break into a home could not remove a cable lock for five years!

We have all heard the horror stories of minors dying at the hands of home invaders because mandatory lock up laws prevented them from having access to firearms they knew how to use.

We have all heard of attacks thwarted by young people with a parent’s firearm. 

We all know that the types of locks mandated by this measure are dangerous and unreliable.

Clearly, if passed this measure will cost lives.

The “certified” ballot title is released in response to comments filed by voters on the “draft”  ballot title.

As you can see, the AG made no changes to the “caption” and only minor changes to the “Results of Yes or No Votes” and the summary.

Appeals to this language must be filed by June 14th.