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Kate Brown Signs Gun Confiscation Law

On August 16th, Kate Brown signed SB 719 into law.

This bill, sponsored by Senators Brian Boquist and Ginny Burdick, allows the police to confiscate firearms from people who have been neither convicted of, nor accused of a crime. These confiscations will be based solely on ex parte testimony of people who need have no mental health credentials but can claim that another person is a threat to themselves or others.

Testimony from mental health professionals may NOT be considered. The respondent will receive no notice of this action and no opportunity to defend himself against the order until after his firearms have been confiscated. 

The bill offers no help for people who are suicidal and no protection for people living with someone who is genuinely dangerous.

You may lose your guns if you have ever had a DUI or if you have legally purchased a firearm in the last 6 months.