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Another Bait And Switch.



As we have reported, SB 243 will be getting a public hearing tomorrow at 3pm in Senate Judiciary.

Links with more info and a way to submit testimony can be found here.

The “work session” for this bill is scheduled for April 3rd in the same committee.

And, as we also reported, the bill has always been another “bait and switch” by the Democrats.

The original bill “Requires the Department of State Police to study the efficiency of firearm transfer criminal background check.”

We always knew this was bogus with the real intention of the bill coming at the last minute. To see what the bill will really be please see the amendments:

As you can see the bill includes a long list of restrictions, most of which appear in other anti-gun bills that are also soon to be considered.  Once again the Democrats have played the “gut and stuff” game by introducing legislation that bears no resemblance to their actual intentions and then only revealing the real language at the very last minute to deny the public time to analyze and respond to it.

This kind of game is designed to reduce public input as much as possible.  But there is still time to upload testimony.  The real question is when will the Republicans get tired of watching the people who elected them get treated like serfs and refuse to be part of this circus?