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Gun Stores On The Chopping Block.

Court Says Magazines Can Be Banned.



Today the House Judiciary Committee heard HB 3076. 

The bill itself is a nothing burger, but the gut and stuff amendment will close most gun businesses.

The language of this amendment was made available to anti-gun hacks and anti-gun media months ago but only made available to the public late yesterday.

You do not have to read it all to see it creates restrictions so onerous that few if any businesses can survive its implementation. And of course, that was always the point.

All the reasoned arguments made against it mean nothing since its proponent’s only goal is to end gun sales and ownership in Oregon. You cannot reason with these people. Period.

Republicans today sent out a press release decrying the passage of a bill that pays people to strike. They complained that it was bad for businesses.  HB 3076 is not “bad for business”. It is a death knell for many.  We know the Democrats are not the least bit concerned about families losing their businesses or employees losing their jobs. That is just an additional benefit for Democrats. The question is, once again, will the Republicans continue to “fight” for us with strongly worded letters and bloviating press releases or will they step up to protect the people who elected them? Are their jobs more important than the countless Oregonians who will become unemployed under 3076?

Please tell Christine Drazan to stop being part of this insanity.

Just to add to the madness, today the 9th Circuit declared that bans on magazines are perfectly ok.

The reasoning in their decision is, on its face, absurd.  But their decision is no surprise. They were just an unavoidable speed bump on the way to the Supreme Court, who we are hoping will stop wasting time and respond to the many lower courts who are openly defying their rulings.