Today the Senate Committee On Veterans, Emergency Management, Federal and World Affairs heard SB 947.
This is the bizarre “militia” bill we warned you about here.
This bill is the work of Senator James Manning, who just happens to be the chair of the committee. Little else explains why this absurd waste of taxpayer money was given a hearing.
The bill seeks to turn the citizen militia into something that does not exist, the “national guard.” No, not the “National Guard” which is a real thing, the “national guard” which is a figment of Manning’s imagination.
Manning appears to be in competition with Paul Evans for who can write the dumbest, most pointless bill and spend the most taxpayer money to stroke their own egos.
Both Evans and Manning seem to be incapable of opening their mouths without touting their military service or supposed in-depth knowledge of firearms. Manning’s military background is largely speculation. Evans’ is questionable at best. It appears his principle accomplishment was the production of porn.
But what’s most interesting is what their bills have in common.
Both have exactly no support from the public. The submitted testimony on Evans’ gun control bill was 100% against it. The only person who testified in favor of it was…Evans. Manning’s “militia” bill managed to match that. Not one person submitted testimony in favor of it. Three people testified against it. No one testified for it.
As soon as the opponents came to the table to testify against the bill, one of two Republicans on the Committee, David Brock Smith, headed for the door, leaving Senator Kim Thatcher to question the meaning of the bill.
We strongly encourage everyone to watch the recorded video of the hearing. Manning’s explanation of his bill was utterly and completely incomprehensible.
Not a single sentence came close to making sense. He made Kamala Harris sound like Shakespeare.
There was not one coherent thought in anything he said. He did, however, manage to turn it into a racial issue, which he does with everything. The two other Democrats on the committee , Meek and Woods, offered their support and we defy you to make sense out of anything they said either.
In the race to the bottom Evans and Manning are in a dead heat. But as twisted as Evans is, at least when he finishes a sentence you have some idea what he meant. Listening to Manning will leave you baffled and terrified that someone so stunningly stupid can be writing laws and controlling committees. You will literally feel your IQ dropping while he rambles on aimlessly.
Manning is another example of the damage done when people get jobs they are not equipped for except by checking certain DEI boxes.
Manning did say the bill was good, militias wreak havoc, and he intended to make sure the bill moves forward. (Well we think that’s what he said.) So we will continue to track this idiocy.
It’s his bill and his committee. Unfortunately it’s your money and your rights being flushed.