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Laywers,Guns, and Money

Measure 114 Update

Lawyers, Guns, and…Money


While our federal case to overturn the clearly unconstitutional Measure 114 continues to plod slowly through the 9th Circuit (a court determined to eliminate 2nd Amendment rights) the state lawsuit is moving ahead.

As soon as an Oregon Judge in Harney County declared the measure to be a fundamental violation of the Constitution, the state filed an appeal.

The Oregon political regime is working overtime, with your money, to end the sale of firearms. That is what Measure 114 does and all the lies told by its supporters and the cartel media echo chamber will not change that.

The date for oral arguments is Oct 29th.  Currently the panel of judges listed to hear the appeal does not include Jim Egan, whose demented rant against gun owners morally disqualified him from ever hearing a firearms related case. (Or any case really.) But that is no reason to relax.

No rational person could conclude that a law that essentially ends the sale and possession of most modern firearms and magazines could be constitutional. However that is exactly what judge Karin Immergut decided in our Federal case, which is now being appealed. So the outcome of the state case will decide, at least for the foreseeable future, whether law abiding Oregonians will be able to purchase firearms and firearm magazines.  Needless to say, the outcome will have exactly zero effect on criminals.  But let’s face it, that was always the intent.

As we have pointed out in the past, we have no realistic expectations that the majority of Oregon’s elected Republicans will stand up for us in Salem. And the few who do can anticipate that they will be pilloried by the Republican establishment as “right wing extremists.”  So, like it or not, for now the battles continue to be in courtrooms where activism means nothing and all that matters is who can still pay lawyers.

The attorneys who are working on all of our cases ( two against Measure 114 and one against HB 2005) are dedicated and hard working. But just like the rest of us, they need to pay the bills.  So, while we refrain from sending a daily blitz of emails that all end in a request for donations, we have no choice but to count on you to provide the means to pay these folks. 

Contributions to our Educational Foundation go 100% to the legal battles. The Foundation pays no staff and no rent. So every single penny you contribute goes to these fights. 

We are dangerously close to a crucial event that will have a profound effect on our rights no matter how it goes.

Please consider making whatever donation you can afford so we can send a message to the state that we are not rolling over to their treachery.

You can make a secure online donation here:

That link includes information if you prefer to donate by mail.

We cannot let these people win.

Thank you.

This is a link to the Appeals Court Webcast.

This is a link to the Appeals Court Calendar