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Paul Evans Vs Reality

Paul Evans Vs Reality


Today the Oregon House Judiciary Committee  heard Paul Evans’ bill HB 2774. Submitted testimony ran 100% in opposition.

Evans’ justification for this bill was an incident that he claimed happened 8 years ago, for which he provided exactly no documentation. The story he told involved a man who Evans said shot an injured dog that was being held by the man’s wife.

Evan’s once again treated us to a lengthy history of how competent HE is with firearms, and how many he owns. And then, almost by accident, mentioned that during a divorce proceeding for the dog shooter, the judge found the man had done nothing wrong. Could it be that the judge knew all the parts Evans left out?

We  warned you about  HB 2774 here.

As if to prove us right when we told you not to trust far left crazies like Paul Evans, today he went over the deep end.

In an email blast delivered today (but unavailable online at the time of this alert) Evans expresses outrage at the results of the Trump Administration’s revealing of BILLIONS of your dollars being stolen and wasted by “your” government.

But Evans wasn’t outraged at the theft. No, Evans was outraged that it has been reported.  Grifters gonna grift. 

In his screed, Evans sends (ironically) dog whistles to the left with veiled threats of coming violence. He likens the Democrat’s seeing their criminal gravy train being derailed to the American Revolution.

“The War of Rebellion became inevitable when regional frustrations escalated into moral conflicts. Whenever challenges are defined through emotions rather than reason, there is a risk of division; the kind of division that cannot reconcile because of conviction and self-identity. Whenever there are participants knowingly working to lessen our trust in institutions, we are on the path toward greater disharmony.”

Put aside the fact that a serious distrust in crooked and controlled institutions is common sense, astonishingly he rails against the very situation Oregonians find themselves in and of which he is a major contributor:

We are entering uncharted territory; never in recent history has one party had such domination over all three branches of the U.S. Government and the surrounding ecosystem of ideological and political interests. Thankfully, we have not yet reached a point of no return.”

Oregon is totally controlled by far left Democrats. Every House, every branch, every executive office.  But while ignoring this irony Evans follows that with this demented comment:

Thankfully, we have not yet reached a point of no return. We are not close to openly choosing the power of the bullet over the ballot.”

Of course, this is absurd. Evan’s side long ago chose the bullet… and the firebomb. That’s why Portland’s Federal Courthouse is a steel clad fortress.  That’s why Michigan police stations were burned to the ground.  That’s why entire sections of Seattle were taken over by murderers and rapists. We are not “close” to choosing bullets. We are well past that point. And it’s Evan’s people who made the choice.

Evans bizarrely states:

“History teaches us that now, before open violence erupts, is the best opportunity to prevent a downward, uncontrollable spiral into chaos and worse. Here in Oregon, we are still able to peacefully gather and respectfully debate issues. Even though the national political scene appears dark, the moral power of the nation rests within the hearts of all Americans, not in party identities.”

It’s hard to imagine how delusional a person can be to pretend the violence has not already erupted and that leaders on the left are not actively promoting it. It’s creepy that Evans thinks that revelation of the truth makes the national political scene “appear dark”.

Evans, and Democrats coast to coast, are horrified that the truth is finally getting the exposure it deserves. That people everywhere now know how badly they have been ripped off by those in power. That the same disgraceful theft goes on in Oregon every single day.

But Evan’s delusions do not end there.  With a complete refusal to embrace reality Evans actually says the following:

“State governments, not the U.S. Congress, are the instruments for peace and progress. The modern political reality is that our nation has outgrown the ability of the federal government to discern prescribed, targeted solutions for our challenges. State governments working with our local government partners are far more able to find resolution to increasingly complex problems. Although it may not be said aloud, people have little real voice in Washington, D.C., but they can loudly roar at the state and local governance levels.”

The “state government” in Oregon has given us out-of-control drug addiction, streets awash in mentally ill homeless, skyrocketing violent crime, unsustainable housing costs and a bottom-of-the-barrel eduction system, all thanks to the policies of people like Evans. It has given us costly legislation like HB 2774 which has no public support yet still gets hearings.  (But of course the vocal support of “Republican” Kevin Mannix who sits on the committee.)

Like Democrats nationwide, Oregon’s Democrats are terrified that their grifts are being exposed and their payoffs to their friends are being revealed.  Like cornered badgers they are going to lash out at anything that looks like real progress towards fiscal sanity.  Get ready folks, it’s going to get uglier.

On another note, also heard was Evan’s bill HB 2710 which would allow victims of childhood abduction to be included in Oregon’s Address Confidentiality Program. This program shields the addresses of people who are in physical danger. It’s important to note that because  participation in this program means the person has no government issued ID with an actual home address, they are prohibited from purchasing firearms. This is an issue we have been attempting to address for years, and once again Senator Kim Thatcher has a bill to do just that. We are betting it never sees the light of day.