The Facts Don’t Matter
As you no doubt know, the Oregon Appeals Court has ruled Mz 114 “constitutional.”
Given that the Appeals Court is the home of Judge Jim Egan, this is no surprise.
What is a bit of a surprise is the inane and incoherent “reasoning” that went into the decision.
(One of the most interesting quotes in the decision was “The [facial] constitutionality of a law as enacted is rarely if ever dependent on facts…”)
There is too much babble to dissect it point by point, but a few things stand out.
The court insists that the Oregon Constitution’s “right to bear arms” is only for “self defense”, when it quite clearly says the opposite.
The court simultaneously says that standard capacity magazines are “constitutionally protected arms” but then says it’s constitutional to ban them.
The court did not address the required “classes” needed to get a “permit to purchase” which is not a “permit to purchase” but just a permit to apply to purchase a firearm. As you know, the classes do not exist and are unlikely to in the future.
While the measure requires an FBI background check, the court has said if the FBI doesn’t do one it does not matter.
We have attached the court’s decision if you choose to lower your IQ trying to make sense of it. For now, understand that this rule does NOT take effect immediately. The court has remanded it back to the lower court so they can reverse their rational ruling and replace it with the gibberish the Appeals Court has dredged out of the bowels of left wing double talk and we have been reliably informed that it will be appealed to Oregon’s Supreme Court, so it may not take effect pending that appeal.
However, keep in mind that HB 3075, which enacts the same restrictions is due to receive action in the Oregon Legislature soon, and that will no doubt take effect as quickly as the legislature can ram it through.
In short, it appears that there is a very real possibility that Oregon will shortly face an end to the legal transfer of firearms and the potential arrest of anyone in possession of a standard capacity magazine.
Act accordingly.
Appeals Court Decision:
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