We Are Running Out Of Time
Today the absurdly named “Senate Committee On Veterans, Emergency Management, Federal and World Affairs” passed out the amended SB 947.
This bill is the “brain” child of Senator James Manning whose racist delusions have convinced him that Oregon is awash with white militias roaming the countryside gunning down black people.
The first version of Manning’s bill was gibberish. Since then someone has amended it into something approaching English. Its only purpose is to rewrite history and scrub the word “militia” from Oregon’s laws. (Much like Manning’s friends in antifa destroying statues of figures they mistakenly thought were Confederates…like Lincoln.)
This bill now moves on to the Senate floor for approval. Its passage is a near certainty.
As bad as Manning’s barely literate ramblings are, they are nothing compared to what’s coming with the barrage of anti-gun bills due for hearings and work sessions.
These bills have one purpose, to end civilian ownership of firearms and shutter gun dealers. They come at the same time the Democrats are working to protect sex offenders, force pornography on school districts, destroy family farms, attack property owners, and jack up your taxes. All while rewarding their friends with your money as the state goes broke.
The current Republican response to these attacks has been to send out ludicrous form emails and newsletters telling people to “flood the Democrat’s” inboxes. While we would like to chalk this up to stupidity and the magical thinking of 5 year olds, we cannot. This is cowardice and a cynical attempt at job security.
The Democrats will not be swayed be emails. They are imposing by legislation a ballot measure (Mz114) that only passed by a tiny margin thanks to Oregon’s proven voter fraud. They are attempting to force on Oregon the very “rank choice voting” the people have rejected. In short, the Democrats are doing all they can to crush producers and reward parasites because that’s where their money comes from. And the Republicans are behaving like their doormats.
It’s not complicated. The Republicans cannot defeat bills. The Republicans cannot advance any bill that the Democrats do not want. If they show up on the floor for a vote, they are voting “yes.” And while they can tell you they are “fighting” for you and please send money, if they are there they are giving the Democrats the quorum they need to pass these relentless attacks on your freedom, your property, and your children’s future.
If the Democrats are successful your ability to buy a firearm or carry one for self defense without criminal liability will disappear. Your local gun shop will be out of business and their employees out of work. The Republicans are acting like the only jobs that matter are their own. And in some cases those jobs pay very, very well.
The clock is ticking. The courts are reaching absurd conclusions that components of guns can be banned. The only thing standing in the way of this steamroller is the Republicans and their willingness to do more than send out strongly worded letters.
Once again, we need to remind the Republicans what they were hired to do. There is no need to explain why these bills are so dangerous. The Republicans (like the Democrats) know damn well what they do. And any explanation you provide will not be read and at best you will get a form response that does not even address your comments.
A simple message in the subject line of an email to Republican leaders is all that’s needed: “WALK OUT.”
HOUSE Republican Leader Drazan
Senate Republican Leader Bonhan
Thank you for your continued tireless efforts for our rights.